Community Service Opportunities
Community Service is an important component of the Academy of Finance. Each student is required to complete twenty (20) hours of community service during each semester. The twenty-hour requirement will be included in the students’ 2nd & 4th nine-week’s grade for the marking period. **2 hours per semester must be performed with an AOF/Foundation Function**
Students should complete the community service form that can be obtained in the guidance office. The completed form should be shown to your AOF instructor for credit. It is the responsibility of the student to make a copy of the community service form before turning the form into guidance. All copies should be placed in the students’ AOF portfolio.
Community Service is defined as volunteer service for a non-profit agency. Community service activities are those which students perform to benefit at least one other unrelated person and for which they receive no compensation or academic credit. In most cases students will be working under the auspices of an organization-town government, school, non-profit organization, hospital, nursing home, or newspaper. Service to benefit for-profit businesses is NOT applied to this requirement. If you are uncertain, it is advised you check with your teacher BEFORE performing the work.
The Academy of Finance is proud to partner with Oneblood. The AOF students organize and host four to five blood drives throughout the school year. The drives are held on campus from 7:30 – 3:00 pm with registration in the foyer of the Auditorium.
We welcome students, parents, and community members to donate to this important cause. Along with assisting our community through donations, our Academy raises scholarship funds.
For each pint donated Oneblood gives $20.00 in scholarship funds. Since its inception, over $60,000 has been awarded to Dwyer Seniors. In addition, students can earn 2 hours of Community Service for each successful regular donation or 4 hours for a successful plasma donation.
A group of high school students who care about the environment, was started by Graham Zucker, an Academy of Finance student at William T. Dwyer High School. The 3rd Sunday of the month, at 4 PM, the students gather at Ocean Cay Park for a beach cleanup. The students are becoming the next generation of environmental stewards and know the importance of preserving Jupiter’s beaches, its’ habitat and marine life for future generations. Students from local and neighboring high schools are invited to join the group. After the beach cleanups the students gather for volleyball games and snacks. As the group grows they continue to look for other ways to expand their environmental preservation message.